Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a 7 month old baby can do

By six to eight months, if you position a baby properly in the sitting position he can remain sitting for a short period without falling over. He does this by using his hands to balance his upper body. Initially he uses both hands to balance himself, then he uses one hand and eventually he will be able to sit without having to balance himself. Once he discovers what the world looks like from this vantage point, he will ‘demand’ to be put in this position every time he is awake.
Here are some photos of Jeremy demonstrating the technique.

Hello, I can sit without falling over.

I think I need to hold on to something so I don’t fall over

There, aren’t I a clever boy?

Let’s try the hands free stuff.

Oops!! Nearly fell over

Hmmm, I wonder what those pinky things are.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ju Lia's achievement, our new 'super models' and Sze Wei is 2 years old

Ju Lia having her first taste of solid food
"I love this cereal"

Welcome to our new 'models'

Jeun Yip

Wei Jun



Happy 2nd birthday to Sze Wei

Hi! I am the birthday girl

My friends here are so slow in singing happy birthday to me

My mummy is here to help me cut the cake